Chinese Antique Furniture Culture
The chinese antique furnifure is of exquisite design, unique workmanship and careful carving. It has been the rare treasure and one of the most splendid parts of Oriental culture.  


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- Ancient Chinese Architecture
  Confucius Temples - Ancient Chinese Architecture

Confucius was the founder of Confucianism in China, a philosopher, moralist, statesman and educationist, but no religionist head. The thoughts and teachings of Confucius have had a great influence on Chinese feudalist society in the political, philosophic and cultural fields. People built thousands of Confucius Temples, called Kong Miao or Wen Miao to commemorate him. Nowadays, nearly 300 of these temples have survived through the ages. Among them the Confucius Temples in Qufu, Shangdong Province and Beijing are very famous.


Confucius temples are quiet and peaceful!


Ppresent Chinese timber framework and painting which are basic characteristics of Chinese architecture.

Architecture Styles:
feature characteristics and charms of: Imperial architecture, Religious architecture (Taoist, Buddhist), Garden architecture and General architecture(Hutong ,Siheyuan).

Architectural Culture:
There is always deep relation between Architecture and Culture: It is certain you will learn some cultural facts in so-called Architectural culture in Fengshui and so-called Cultural architecture in Paifang.

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